- 온라인 환경-> SNS(개인일상공유)-> 새로운 라이프스타일-> 새로운 예술 소재
초고속으로 치닫고 있는 삶의 리듬으로 인해 현대인들의 일상은 갈수록 삭막해지고 있다. 개인화는 심화되었고, 이로 인해 정서적으로 소외와 고립감에 노출되기 십상이다. 이렇게 정서적인 ‘사막화’ 현상 속에서 현대인들은 온라인 SNS를 통해 자신들의 일상의 모습들을 전 세계 사람들과 공유하는 새로운 풍경을 만들어내고 있다. 여기에 더해서 1인 방송이라는 개인 영상 매체를 이용한 방식으로 자기 자신의 일상이나 생각 혹은 엽기적인 행위까지도 노출하기도 한다. 그야말로 한 사람의 혹은 특정 부류의 소소한 일상과 관련한 이미지들이 기존의 소수의 거대 미디어(TV, 라디오 방송, 신문 등)를 대신해서 대중의 집중적 관심을 받기에 이르렀다. 우리는 각종 cctv에 노출되어있으며 최근 사회에서는 몰래카메라 사건으로 몸살을 앓고 있다. 개인이 자신을 노출시키고 싶어하는 욕망과 의도하지 않는 노출과의 아이러니한 관계 속에 살고 있는 이러한 시대적 현상에 대한 고찰을 모티브로 예술실험을 진행하고자 한다.
특히 최근 개인 SNS에서 흔히 보여지는 현상들은 나의 평범한 일상을 소소하게 SNS에 올리던 것에서 마치 ‘나 이렇게 잘 살고 있어’ 라고 하는 듯이 과시의 장으로 변화되고 있는 듯하다. 여러 앱을 사용한 셀피와 좋은 음식, 좋은 옷, 해외 여행 등의 사진을 통해 더 이상 일기처럼 하루하루 기록하던 방식이 아닌 ‘보여주기’ 위해 개인 SNS를 이용하고 있다. 이렇게 공유되어지는 이미지들을 통해 일상의 풍경들에서 보여지는 서정적인 ‘가면’ 뒤에 가려진 그들의 욕망에 대해 작업하였다.
Online environment → SNS (sharing of everyday personal life) → New lifestyle → New material for art
The rhythms of our frenetically paced lives are leaving the daily lives of modern people increasingly desolate. Individualization has intensified, with the result that we are vulnerable emotionally to feelings of alienation and isolation. Amid this phenomenon of emotional “desertification,” modern individuals are creating a new landscape in which online social media are used to share images from their daily lives with people around the world. They also used personal video media—namely one-person broadcasting—to expose their daily lives, their thoughts, and their sometimes bizarre behaviors. We have truly arrived at a situation where the trivial daily experiences of single individuals and groups become a focus of intense popular attention instead of the existing minority of large-scale media (TV, radio, newspapers, and the like). We have been exposed to various forms of closed circuit tv, and our society has recently been plagued by incidents involving the use of hidden cameras. I am attempting an artistic experiment where the motif is an examination of this phenomenon today, in which individuals live amidst an ironic relationship with the desire to expose themselves and unintended forms of exposure with the phenomena that have become so common frequently on social media.
These days, it feels as though those media have transformed from places where people shared trivial things from daily life into settings for showing off — as if to say “Look how well I’m living.” As different apps are used to post selfies and pictures of good news, nice clothes, and overseas trips, social media are being used not as diaries to record the events of our daily lives, but as a means of showing. This artwork is about using these shared images to address the desires obscured behind the lyrical masks shown in everyday landscapes.
Online environment → SNS (sharing of everyday personal life) → New lifestyle → New material for art
The rhythms of our frenetically paced lives are leaving the daily lives of modern people increasingly desolate. Individualization has intensified, with the result that we are vulnerable emotionally to feelings of alienation and isolation. Amid this phenomenon of emotional “desertification,” modern individuals are creating a new landscape in which online social media are used to share images from their daily lives with people around the world. They also used personal video media—namely one-person broadcasting—to expose their daily lives, their thoughts, and their sometimes bizarre behaviors. We have truly arrived at a situation where the trivial daily experiences of single individuals and groups become a focus of intense popular attention instead of the existing minority of large-scale media (TV, radio, newspapers, and the like). We have been exposed to various forms of closed circuit tv, and our society has recently been plagued by incidents involving the use of hidden cameras. I am attempting an artistic experiment where the motif is an examination of this phenomenon today, in which individuals live amidst an ironic relationship with the desire to expose themselves and unintended forms of exposure with the phenomena that have become so common frequently on social media.
These days, it feels as though those media have transformed from places where people shared trivial things from daily life into settings for showing off — as if to say “Look how well I’m living.” As different apps are used to post selfies and pictures of good news, nice clothes, and overseas trips, social media are being used not as diaries to record the events of our daily lives, but as a means of showing. This artwork is about using these shared images to address the desires obscured behind the lyrical masks shown in everyday landscapes.
A pause, oil on canvas, 90.9x65.1cm, 2019

The moment I remember, oil on canvas, 116.8x80.3cm, 2019
Yuliana's morning,oil on canvas, 145.5x112.1cm, 2019
Golden reminiscenes, oil on canvas,95x95cm, 2019
Morning Calm, oil on canvas, 65.1x50.0cm, 2019
Quiet Sentience, oil on canvas, 72.7x116.8cm, 2019
Summer Breeze, oil on canvas, 73x100cm, 2019
Blue Shadow, oil on canvas,134.8x100cm, 2018
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